TTG Growth

Blog #4


TTG Growth, in so many ways!


It started as a spark, an idea, well, maybe more of a musing.  Morphed into spitballs on the wall, then pros and cons lists…many of them.  Then shared with trusted advisors, my lord, my wife, our sons, our dogs, trees, anything that would listen to me.  The Entrepreneurial bug has always been inside of me, but unfortunately it resided right next to an inner voice of doubt.  My family and I were comfortable and grateful for the lovely life afforded by my previous employment.  It was a safety net.  It was good, and it was comfortable. 

So, it makes perfect logical sense to leave my stable employ and open my own business…just rip the band aid off, get off the safety net…yep, right in the middle of a Global Pandemic.  In retrospect, I am so glad I finally learned how to operate without the safety net.  I guess I finally believed what all my trusted advisors already knew- I would not let myself or my family fail. 

Today I am so delighted to share that The Thaxton Group is growing.  We have been blessed with wonderful partners trusting us to execute on our belief that relationships are at the bases of positive interactions…so we endeavor to build relationships and then develop business. 

·       We have grown with new Top Notch Manufacturing Partners joining us- Welcome Advanced Architectural Grilleworks, Benetti Home, CUTOFFS Wood Walls and J2 Systems

·       We have grown with our Social Media footprint- please follow us on Instagram @thethaxtongroup - this is where we share product info, new product release and some original music by our oldest son

·       We have grown as a family business with our sons taking on more regular roles to support the daily tasks   

·       We have certainly grown in our faith, self-confidence, personal hardiness, and gratitude


Thank you all for your ongoing support and encouragement, it means the world to us.