My Dad on the John Deere

Blog #8


 My Dad on the John Deere   

 There are moments in life that I try to commit to memory.  A major sporting event, birth of children, anniversaries…

One moment happened recently that is a new favorite of mine.  At this season of my life, I know time with my parents is fleeting.  Each time my parents visit, my father asks to mow our lawn.  And I always get him set up on our old John Deere L111 as soon as the grass needs to be cut.  I usually spend time out there with him, empty the bag and make sure he doesn’t mow over my sprinklers…that has never happened before.  I also like to just watch and appreciate how much this simple pleasure entertains him.  For me, there is a wave of emotions as I watch him:

·       Proud that I can share this old tractor with him

·       Grateful that we are able to spend this time together

·       Happy that such a simple activity can bring him so much joy

At a time in his life where physical tasks are becoming increasingly difficult, the ride on lawnmower provides him some freedom from time.  He can contribute and feel the joy of accomplishment.  I too enjoy the ride on lawnmower…but not half as much as I enjoy watching him smile and cut half-moon circle after half-moon circle.

Dad, thanks for all you have done for us, and your service to this great country.