Blog #1
“Make it a great day”- Christopher Alan Prewitt
Who was Christopher Alan Prewitt? In short, he was the greatest. Loving Father and Husband, Brother, Uncle, Friend, Coach, Olympian, Mentor, Accountability Partner, Outdoorsman Galore, Foodie, World Traveler, Adventurer, Humanitarian, Optimist, Educator, Leader, Inspiration. He was all these things, but to those blessed to have made his acquaintance, he was everything. He was the person we all want to be, and the person we all wanted to be with. He was the brightest light in any room. He beheld all the greatest attributes a person could possibly behold. He was the person you just could never get enough time with.
As Shelly and I launch our first website, we left a little breadcrumb on each page in his honor. He has inspired so many, and his catch phrase continues to live on in the lives of all those that he touched. Prewitt’s phrase, ‘Make it a great day’ is simple. It is perfect. It captures his spirit and inspires us with its timelessness. But the thing that stands out most to me, is the mindfulness of the statement- it is a choice. It shows intention because, one must choose to ‘Make it a great day’.
Because of you Chris, we know how to make it a great day. Christopher Alan Prewitt 12/3/75- 4/6/14